A Quick Note from the President’s Desk
President's Message Spring 2014
Hi To All Flea Marketeers, Vendors and Campers,
Please celebrate our 30th year at Burl’s Creek Family Event Park property 1984 – 2014.
My-oh-my what a trip to transform a defunct farm that had a tough time growing burdock, hawthorns and milkweed into pristine camping, and vending areas. That has been a labor of love, blood, sweat and tears.The very thought of all the extended efforts by friends, family and staff, this all puts a crick in my back. Oh, pass the pain meds.
The rewards are great. Watching a husband and wife along with a couple of youngsters and a pop-up camper in the mid-eighties who have grown along with us. Now jump ahead 30 years. The family has grown into grandpa, grandma, a couple of wives and husbands, six kids, no pop-up camper anymore but a 38 foot 5th wheel and a 40 foot travel palace. Wow what a great time the family has together. Three generations camping out enjoying their pleasant, and safe surroundings, while hunting for the elusive parts. Not just for one car, but three all different years and makes for each of their desires. I am proud to be able to be a contributing part of their family all be it for only 4 days. Thank You!
30 years ago we did not have tractor trailer type vendors. Most vendors of the day arrived with a pick-up truck with a cap or pulled a small tarp covered trailer.You will remember hauling all the milk crates and boxes of parts covering them with a tarp, flopping a mattress along with a quilt or sleeping bag in the truck to sleep. A cooler full of essentials like a 12 of beer and some sandwiches, and a package of Dads cookies.
Times have changed, the new method of vending with a 40’ motor home c/w pull out kitchen, push-out living room and bedroom while pulling a 28’ enclosed trailer, loaded to the roof. Wow how times have changed. With the wide selection of good food vendors and the beverage gardens you no longer need to bring the 12 of beer or the sandwiches and cookies.
Thank you all for your support over the past 30 years. Looking forward to seeing you all for the next 20 years or so.
As Always,
Don Hanney
P/s Look around your location. Take a minute to reflect on all of our camping and vendor friends who have passed to the great flea market in the sky, we miss them all.
Check out our web sites at www.thebafm.com or follow us on Facebook.